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Elementary Algebra

v1.0 John Redden


I would like to thank the following reviewers whose feedback helped improve the final product:

  1. Katherine Adams, Eastern Michigan University

  2. Sheri Berger, Los Angeles Valley College

  3. Seung Choi, Northern Virginia Community College

  4. Stephen DeLong, Colorado Mountain College

  5. Keith Eddy, College of the Sequoias

  6. Solomon Emeghara, William Patterson University

  7. Audrey Gillant, SUNY–Maritime

  8. Barbara Goldner, North Seattle Community College

  9. Joseph Grich, William Patterson University

  10. Caroll Hobbs, Pensacola State College

  11. Clark Ingham, Mott Community College

  12. Valerie LaVoice, NHTI, Concord’s Community College

  13. Sandra Martin, Brevard Schools

  14. Bethany Mueller, Pensacola State College

  15. Tracy Redden, College of the Sequoias

  16. James Riley, Northern Arizona University

  17. Bamdad Samii, California State University–Northridge

  18. Michael Scott, California State University–Monterey Bay

  19. Nora Wheeler, Santa Rosa Junior College

I would also like to acknowledge Michael Boezi and Vanessa Gennarelli of Flat World Knowledge. The success of this project is in large part due to their vision and expertise. Finally, a special heartfelt thank-you is due to my wife, Tracy, who spent countless hours proofreading and editing these pages—all this while maintaining a tight schedule for our family. Without her, this textbook would not have been possible.