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Business Presentations
Effective Communication at Work

v1.0 Scott McLean


I would like to say thank you to everyone at FlatWorld for taking us forward on the cutting edge of high quality, innovative educational content and increasing access for students. To say FlatWorld’s model just makes sense is an understatement. I am honored to be a part of it all.

Vicki Brentnall was an excellent project manager. Writing can be a solitary activity but she made the journey positive and productive, with space when I needed it, technical assistance when required, and a positive word of encouragement or two that made all the difference.

Sean Wakely also deserves a call out—he led the new charge to change textbooks as we know them on the front lines of project development, author recruitment, and acquisition. I appreciate your support of business and communication and am confident the field will support, participate, collaborate, and create new resources for our students.

To my reviewers in the field, I appreciate all the specific feedback that contributed to clear improvements in the text.

  1. Brenda Jolivette Jones, San Jacinto College - Central Campus ()

  2. Christina McCale, Regis University ()

  3. Billie Miller, Ph.D., Cosumnes River College ()

  4. Joyce Ezrow, Anne Arundel Community College ()

  5. Sally Lederer, U of M Carlson School of Management ()

  6. Greg Larson, Salt Lake Community College ()

  7. Gayla Jurevich, Fresno City College ()

  8. Laura Newton, Florida State University ()

  9. Judy Grace, Arizona State University ()

  10. Rita Rud, Purdue University ()

  11. Edna Boroski, Trident Technical College ()

Your words of encouragement and constructive criticism have made this effort worthwhile.

Finally, to Lisa, my life partner, you are amazing. You were a draft recruit on this project and quickly learned the formatting requirements in short order. You are a valuable part of this team. Your relentless editing serves as a clear example of Strunk’s axiom: “Omit needless words.” This text is the better for it. Writing with you, like life, gets better with each year.

Scott McLean

Puerto Montt, Chile