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Mastering Strategic Management

v1.1 Dave Ketchen and Jeremy Short


We would like to thank the following reviewers. Their insightful feedback and suggestions for improving the material helped us make this a better text:

  1. Sonny Ariss, University of Toledo

  2. Keith Brigham, Texas Tech University

  3. Kalyan Chakravarty, California State University, Northridge

  4. Brian Connelly, Auburn University

  5. Carol Decker, Tennessee Wesleyan College

  6. Dr. Robert Edmonds, Maritime College, State University of New York

  7. Jeffrey Fahrenwald, Rockford College

  8. Barbara Good, Ursuline College

  9. Samuel Gray, New Mexico State University

  10. Cynthia Hanevy, Buena Vista University

  11. Thomas Little, University of Texas at Arlington

  12. Franz Lohrke, Samford University

  13. Aaron McKenny, University of Central Florida

  14. Elouise Mintz, Saint Louis University

  15. Todd Moss, Oregon State University

  16. Jason Myrowitz, University of Wyoming

  17. Erin Nelson, DePaul University

  18. Don Neubaum, Oregon State University

  19. Pankaj Patel, Ball State University

  20. Paul Tomko, Cuyahoga Community College

  21. Thomas Towle, University of New Hampshire

  22. John Upson, University of West Georgia

  23. David Vequist, University of the Incarnate Word

  24. Miles Zachary, West Virginia University

  25. Gregory Zerovnik, University of La Verne