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Principles of Management

v3.0 Talya Bauer, Berrin Erdogan, Jeremy Short, and Mason A. Carpenter


Version 3.0

We would like to thank the following colleagues whose comprehensive feedback and suggestions for improving the material in this book over the course of its evolution has helped make this edition of Principles of Management: A Behavioral Approach, the best version yet:

  1. Lynn Addison, Brewton-Parker College

  2. Jay Azriel, York College of Pennsylvania

  3. Kevin Cavanagh, Bismarck State College

  4. Anjali Chaudhry, Saint Xavier University

  5. Linda Davenport, Klamath Community College

  6. John Girard, Minot State University

  7. Jeff Haynie, Nicholls State University

  8. Ghadir Ishqaidef, University of Wisconsin, Green Bay

  9. George Klemic, Lewis University

  10. Anita Leffel, University of Texas at San Antonio

  11. Gregory Luce, Bucks County Community College

  12. Bryan Jon Maciewski, Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College

  13. Arlene Nicholas, Salve Regina University

  14. Marvin (Tony) Parker, Fort Valley State University

  15. Anthony Racka, Oakland Community College

  16. Sherry Robinson, Penn State University, Hazleton

  17. Renee Rogers, Forsyth Technical Community College

  18. Kelly Sell, Bucks County Community College

  19. P. Gerard Shaw, Dean College

  20. Wayne Smith, California State University, Northridge

  21. Karel Sovak, University of Mary

  22. Atul Teckchandani, California State University, Fullerton

  23. Dennis Veit, University of Texas, Arlington