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Economic Analysis of Social Issues

v2.0 Alan Grant


Writing a textbook is never a solo enterprise. I’ve been lucky to work with an intelligent and responsive team at FlatWorld, including Sean Wakely, Vice President of Product and Editorial, and KB Mello, Managing Editor. Sean and KB guided this process expertly, and they answered all questions, no matter how silly, completely and carefully. What a joy to be a part of this team! Linda Ghent and Andreea Chiritescu at Eastern Illinois University class tested the developing drafts of this manuscript over several semesters, and they have provided both feedback and enthusiasm over that time. Jim Bruehler, also at Eastern Illinois, has been my biggest inspiration: His intellectual energy and his creativity in using experiments in the classroom encouraged me to try bringing experiments (some of them his!) into my own. At Baker University, my former student Justine Greve convinced me that this project was worth pursuing; it never would have gotten off the ground without her. Once underway, I benefitted from a sabbatical leave that gave me time to finish this project; that’s just one example of my university’s unwavering support. Most importantly, however, I owe thanks and love to my son, Cooper, who has patiently waited as his daddy completed not one, but two editions of this book. This book is written for him. Finally, I’ve always believed in surrounding myself with people who are smarter than I am; writing this book was no exception. I benefited greatly from intelligent and thoughtful reviewers who provided feedback and recommendations throughout this book’s development over its two editions. Their contributions were essential to this project, and I am greatly indebted to them.

  1. Carlos Aguilar, El Paso Community College

  2. Olubenga Ajilore, University of Toledo

  3. Patricia Atkinson, Clark College

  4. Clare Battista, California Polytechnic State University–San Luis Obispo

  5. Daniel Bell, Big Sandy Community and Technical College

  6. Doris Bennett, Jacksonville State University

  7. Anoop Bhargava, Finger Lakes Community College

  8. John Blair, Wright State University

  9. Kelly Blanchard, Purdue University

  10. Jim Bruehler, Eastern Illinois University

  11. Stephanie Campbell, Mineral Area College

  12. Shawn Carter, Jacksonville State University

  13. Eric Dodge, Hanover College

  14. Jonathan Edelman, Grand Valley State university

  15. Hugo Eyzaguirre, Northern Michigan University

  16. Kaya Ford, Northern Virginia Community College

  17. Melanie Fox, Austin College

  18. Bob Gillette, University of Kentucky

  19. George Goerner, Mohawk Valley Community College

  20. Abbas Grammy, California State University–Bakersfield

  21. Gary Gray, Umpqua Community College

  22. Gail Heyne Hafer, St. Louis Community College–Meramec

  23. Wayne Hickenbottom, University of Texas–Austin

  24. Mark Holmgren, Eastern Washington University

  25. Kyle A. Hoy, Shepard University

  26. Jim Hubert, Seattle Central Community College

  27. Erin Hutton, Bob Jones University

  28. Sarah Jeynk, Youngstown State University

  29. Nick Kahn, McDaniel College

  30. Sukanya Kemp, University of Akron

  31. Juergen Kneifel, Everett Community College

  32. Nelson LaPlante, Everett Community College

  33. Anthony Laramie, Merrimack College

  34. Jim Lee, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi

  35. John G. Marcis, Coastal Carolina University

  36. Warren Matthews, LeTourneau University

  37. John McArthur, Wofford College

  38. Larry McCarthy, Slippery Rock University

  39. Neil Meredith, West Texas A&M University

  40. Randy Methenitis, Richland College

  41. Martin Milkman, Murray State University

  42. Andrew Monaco, University of Puget Sound

  43. Michael Morelli, Rutgers University at Camden

  44. Ronald Necoechea, Roberts Wesleyan College

  45. Tomi Ovaska, Youngstown State University

  46. Benny Overton, Vance Granville Community College

  47. Suzanne Palmer, Albright College

  48. Stephen Paulone, Post University

  49. Sheri Perez, College of Southern Nevada

  50. William Perfit, Suffolk County Community College

  51. Nate Perry, Colorado Mesa University

  52. Chris Phillips, Somerset Community College

  53. Fernando Quijano, Dickinson State University

  54. John Rudder, Blueridge Community & Technical College

  55. Fred J. Ruppel, Eastern Kentucky University

  56. Mark Stegeman, University of Arizona

  57. Craig Walker, Oklahoma Baptist University

  58. Ning Wang, Arizona State

  59. Charles Wassell, Central Washington University

  60. Bassam Yousif, Indiana State University