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Human Relations
Career, Relationships, and You

v4.0 Laura Portolese


Knowing how to get along with others, resolve workplace conflict, manage relationships, communicate well, and make good decisions are all critical emotional intelligence skills that students need to succeed in careers and in life. Our Human Relations: Career, Relationships, and You book will address all of the critical topics to obtain career success.

The core concept in the book is emotional intelligence and how these skills carry over into career success, such as through ethics, communication, diversity, teamwork, conflict, good decision making, stress management, motivation, and leadership.

This book isn’t an organizational behavior (OB) text, which is too theoretical for many of our students’ needs. While this book will touch on some of the theories you might find in an OB book, the focus is a direct benefit to students in their current and future careers.

This book also isn’t a professional communications, business English, or professionalism book, as the focus is much broader: it concentrates on general career success and how to effectively maneuver in the workplace.

This book’s easy-to-understand language and tone is written to convey practical information in an engaging way. Plenty of examples are included in each chapter so students understand the concepts and how the concepts can benefit their careers. This book will meet the needs of a course in the business department or will be offered to professional technical students in any number of career fields, such as automotive, dental hygiene, culinary, or technology. In addition, this book would be a great addition to any school offering human relations courses for teacher certification.

This book could be used in the following courses:

  1. Human relations

  2. Psychology

  3. Career-focused courses

  4. Professionalism

  5. Business communications

  6. Teacher/education certification


Each chapter opens with a realistic example that introduces a concept to be explained in detail later. Each chapter contains relevant examples, YouTube videos, figures, learning objectives, key takeaways, Why Human Relations? boxes, What’s In It For Me? boxes, exercises, and a chapter-ending summary and case that offer different ways to promote learning.

What’s New in Version 4.0?

The coronavirus global pandemic that appeared in early 2020 impacted every aspect of the organization—large and small, profit and nonprofit. Productively handling stress, maintaining productive relationships with work colleagues, resolving unexpected ethical dilemmas, communicating clearly in times of uncertainty, providing strong leadership, and showing empathy and patience with others are just a few of the skills we particularly need to uncover and develop in times of crisis. Version 4.0 of Human Relations: Career, Relationships, and You reflects our experiences with the pandemic, and addresses important, timely topics such as Diversity and Inclusion (D&I).

Version 4.0 of Human Relations: Career, Relationships, and You comes complete with new figures and graphics in every chapter, new examples, and a variety of new videos to demonstrate concepts. Chapter-specific changes include:

  1. Revision of chapter titles to reflect updated terminology in human relations.

  2. Chapter 1 “What Is Human Relations?”: New discussion on the gig/consultant economy and discussion on the importance of understanding D&I for career success.

  3. Chapter 2 “Be Your Best Self”: Updated information on continuous learning and creating curiosity. 

  4. Chapter 4 “Manage Stress ”: New content on the coronavirus pandemic and stress, and decision making under stressful conditions.

  5. Chapter 5 “Build Communication Skills”: More focus on electronic communication and virtual meetings, a new figure on diagonal communication, and additional Chapter Case questions.

  6. Chapter 6 “Navigate Ethical Situations”: Expanded section on social responsibility.

  7. Chapter 8 “Work in Teams”: Revised coverage of electronic communication and handling politics at work. 

  8. Chapter 9 “Make Great Decisions”: Expansion of information related to decision bias and fallacies. 

  9. Chapter 11 “Embrace Diversity, Inclusion, and Cultural Intelligence”: Extensive changes to address diversity and inclusion topics.

  10. Chapter 13 “Build Career Success”: Additions on elevator pitches and creating your personal brand.


Human Relations is accompanied by a robust supplements program that augments and enriches both the teaching and student learning experiences. The author personally prepared all of the supplements to ensure accuracy and to ensure full alignment with the book’s narrative. Faculty should contact their FlatWorld sales representative or FlatWorld support at for more information or to obtain access to the supplements upon adoption.

Sample Syllabi

Sample syllabi based on either 16-week or 10-week terms provide useful templates that help new adopters transition from their current course textbook to Human Relations. Faculty can download the syllabi from the FlatWorld website or they can be obtained by contacting your local FlatWorld representative or FlatWorld support (

Instructor’s Manual

The Instructor’s Manual (IM) includes Learning Objectives, Key Takeaways, Key Terms, and an outline for each chapter. The IM also features extra discussion questions and possible responses to chapter case discussion questions which encourage students to more deeply engage with course material. 

PowerPoint Slides

PowerPoint Slides organized by chapter include a concise and thorough outline, a list of Learning Objectives, and figures and tables contained in the text. These slides work well for both face-to-face and online learning environments, enliven lectures, and stimulate class discussions. Adopters can use the slides as composed to support lectures or customize and build upon them to suit their particular teaching goals.

Test Item File

The Test Item File (TIF) includes fifty or more questions per chapter in multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, and essay-question formats. All answers are provided, including possible responses to the essay questions. The items have been written specifically to reinforce the major topics covered in each chapter and to align with FlatWorld Homework and in-text quiz items. The Test Item File questions are also available in pre-formatted form for easy export into popular learning management systems such as Canvas or Blackboard.

Test Generator—Powered by Cognero

FlatWorld is pleased to provide a computer-generated test program powered by the leading assessment provider Cognero to assist instructors with selecting, randomizing, formatting, loading online, or printing exams. Please contact your local FlatWorld representative or FlatWorld support ( for more information or to request the program.

FlatWorld Homework

FlatWorld Homework is provided in an easy-to-use interface. Brand new homework has been written for this version that includes multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, and matching question types. All of the homework is auto-gradable. Students who utilize the homework questions should see their performance improve on examinations that are given using the Test Item File questions that accompany this book.

Online Quizzes and Flashcards

Autograded Quiz questions and Flashcards for student self-evaluation are organized by chapter and section and embedded in the online version of the book. Students can use the Quizzes and Flashcards to test their comprehension by section as they read and learn, once they have completed a chapter, or for test review.