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ACDV Academic Development 101

v1.0.12 Bruce Beiderwell, Linda F. Tse, Tom Lochhaas, and Nicholas B. deKanter


Flat World Knowledge would like to thank the following reviewers whose comprehensive feedback and suggestions for improving the material helped make this a better text:

  1. Henry F. Algera, Seattle Pacific University

  2. Lenore Arlee, University of Oklahoma, Norman Campus

  3. Katie Cerrone Arnold, The University of Akron, Summit College

  4. Steven R. Boyd, University of Texas at San Antonio

  5. Mark Brennaman, University of Central Oklahoma

  6. Kathryn Burk, Jackson Community College

  7. Christi Duque, Tarrant County College

  8. Debby Espinor, George Fox University

  9. Lameteria D. Hall, The Community College of Baltimore County

  10. Sheryl Hartman, Miami Dade College

  11. Ann Iseda, Jackson Community College Extension Centers

  12. Dan Issler, University of Pennsylvania

  13. Timothy J. Jones, University of Oklahoma

  14. Lucas Keefer, University of Kansas

  15. Sharon Kousaleos, Ohio University

  16. Carla Kulinsky, Salt Lake Community College

  17. Patricia McGee, University of Texas at San Antonio

  18. Ted Miller, Jackson Community College

  19. Penny Pasque, University of Oklahoma

  20. Said Sewell, The Fort Valley State University

  21. Melissa Thomas, University of Texas at San Antonio

  22. John Timmons, Winthrop University

  23. Patrick Raphael Toney, Bowie State University