Welcome to CCBC
Dear ACDV Student:
Welcome to the Community College of Baltimore County. Over the next few months you will have many new and sometimes challenging experiences. We look forward to assisting you in meeting these challenges by offering ACDV 101: Transitioning to College, a course designed to do exactly that—help you transition to college.
ACDV 101 will help you quickly connect to every aspect of CCBC: instructors and their expectations, course requirements, classroom protocol, academic supports such as tutoring, athletics and co- curricular activities, and student leadership opportunities. Our goal is to make your introductory experience both meaningful and practical so that you can achieve your academic, personal and career goals. Both the college and your ACDV instructor are committed to helping make your learning experience at CCBC the best it can be.
Through the ACDV 101 experience you will meet other students who share similar academic and career pursuits. You will have the opportunity to develop the skills that will help you succeed academically. Most importantly, as you explore your career interests and personal values, you will work closely with your instructor to create an academic road map to guide you through your time at CCBC.
We welcome you not only to a specific course but to an exciting and profitable new phase of your life. I encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to help you make the most of your time at CCBC. It is a great investment in your future, both at CCBC and afterward.
Best Wishes,
Sandra L. Kurtinitis, Ph.D.