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v1.0 Laura Portolese, Jaclyn Krause, and Julie R. Bonner

About the Authors

Laura Portolese

Portrait of author, Laura Portolese.

Laura Portolese (Doctorate, Argosy University) is the author or co-author of four books with FlatWorld (Human Resource Management, Human Relations, The Art of Supervision and Leadership, and Consumer Behavior Today). Professor Portolese holds a master of business administration from City University and a doctorate of business administration from Argosy University. She teaches in the Department of Information Technology and Administrative Management, part of the Central Washington University’s College of Education and Professional Studies. Before beginning her teaching career, Professor Portolese worked for several organizations in management and operations. She’s also an entrepreneur who has performed consulting work for companies such as Microsoft.

Jaclyn A. Krause

Portrait of author, Jaclyn A. Krause.

Jackie Krause (Ph.D., Walden School of Management) earned her degree in applied management and information sciences. She possesses thirty-five years of comprehensive and progressive experience in information technology work including network administration, application design and development including web-based applications, website development, information systems analysis, design, and architecture, and information technology project management. Professor Krause has been an academic department chair responsible for supervising the activities of forty-five full-time and adjunct faculty in the School of Information Systems and Technology. She is also an IT professional who has been embedded within business units and has supervised faculty and help desk staff, led teams of system administrators, and led multi-discipline, cross-functional project teams as a project manager.

Julie R. Bonner

Portrait of author, Julie R. Bonner.

Julie Bonner (Doctorate, University of Phoenix) earned her degree in management. She has consulted extensively for large clients in the aerospace, consumer products, and gaming industries providing services in accounting and information systems design.