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v1.0 Laura Portolese, Jaclyn Krause, and Julie R. Bonner


We would like to thank all of the reviewers for their contributions to this book. Their ideas, feedback, and suggestions helped make this book unprecedented. We thank them personally for their insight, and we hope we have a chance to shake their hands in person one day.

  1. Ben Kish, Blue Ridge Community College

  2. Chandra D Arthur, MBA, MAFM, Assistant Professor Business Administration, Cuyahoga Community College

  3. Dr. Andrea Smith-Hunter, Siena College

  4. Dr. April Bailey, St. Petersburg College

  5. Dr. Mark Matheson, Southern Virginia University

  6. Kyungmoon Kim, West Virginia University Institute of Technology

  7. Robert (Chip) Matthews, Sam Houston State University

  8. Vishal K. Gupta, University of Alabama

  9. Zhe Zhang, Eastern Kentucky University

The team at FlatWorld is the best in the business. We appreciate Sean Wakely for his enthusiasm for this project, Nikki Ross for her coordination of the project, and the rest of the FlatWorld team for their contributions. We would also like to thank the FlatWorld staffers whom we’ve never met — those who render drawings, edit content, and otherwise ensure the quality of the text.

We would like to thank our family and friends for supporting our efforts during such a huge undertaking.

We would also like to thank the professors who adopt this book and the students who use it. We hope it will serve as an excellent resource for all of your future endeavors.