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Understanding Media and Culture
An Introduction to Mass Communication

v1.0 Jack Lule


The authors would like to thank the following colleagues who have reviewed the text and provided comprehensive feedback and suggestions for improving the material:

  1. Barry Smith, Mississippi University for Women

  2. Chris Moser, Georgia Perimeter Colllege

  3. Jamii Claiborne, Buena Vista University

  4. August Grant, University of South Carolina

  5. Patty Lamberti, Loyola University Chicago

  6. John Sewell, Georgia State University

  7. David S. Fusani, PhD, Erie Community College

  8. Don Stacks, University of Miami

  9. Mara Einstein, Queens College

  10. Patricia Fulfs, Sauk Valley Community College

  11. Valerie Greenberg, University of the Incarnate Word

  12. Robert Blade, Florida State College at Jacksonville

  13. Stephen Price, Georgia College & State University

  14. Jennifer Peters, Orange Coast College

  15. Robert Abelman, Cleveland State University